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Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation
Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation
  • 定價:593


    博客來-Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010606480


      Freedom from suffering is not only possible, but the means for achieving it are immediately within our grasp-literally as close to us as our own breath. This is the 2,500-year-old good news contained in the Anapanasati Sutra , the Buddha's teaching on cultivating both tranquility and deep insight through full awareness of breathing. In this book, Larry Rosenberg brings this timeless meditation method to life. Using the insights gained from his many years of practice and teaching, he makes insight meditation practice accessible to modern practitioners.


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