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Furniture & Interiors Of The 1970s
Furniture & Interiors Of The 1970s
  • 定價:2275


    博客來-Furniture & Interiors Of The 1970s博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010348139


    The design of the 1970s was distinguished by a strong confluence of creativity and functionalism in furnishing and decor. We already recognize many '70s furniture designs as icons of mid-century modernism-and the proof is the prices they command at fine furniture auctions today. Bony examines the works of international designers whose creations exemplify this period, from the ergonomically-focused designers working in America to the pure design movement in Scandinavia and design innovators in Italy led by Archizoom, Alchymia, and Gaetano Pesce. This indispensable reference book chronicles the period's interior design trends with over 200 photographs focusing on artistic and decorative innovations that created the first intelligent and informed design conversation between two continents.


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